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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

GI Bills Enacted Prior to 2008 and Related Veterans’ Educational Assistance Programs: A Primer

Cassandria Dortch
Analyst in Education Policy

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), previously named the Veterans Administration, has been providing veterans educational assistance (GI Bill) benefits since 1944. The benefits have been intended, at various times, to compensate for compulsory service, encourage voluntary service, avoid unemployment, provide equitable benefits to all who served, and promote military retention. In general, the benefits provide grant aid to eligible individuals enrolled in approved educational and training programs. Since three of the GI Bills have overlapping eligibility requirements and the United States is expected to wind down involvement in active conflicts, Congress may consider phasing out one or more of the overlapping programs.

This report describes the GI Bills enacted prior to 2008. Although participation in the programs has ended or is declining, the programs’ evolution and provisions inform current policy. The Post- 9/11 GI Bill (Title 38 U.S.C., Chapter 33), enacted in 2008, is described along with potential program issues in CRS Report R42755, The Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008 (Post-9/11 GI Bill): Primer and Issues, by Cassandria Dortch.

This report provides a description of the eligibility requirements, eligible programs of education, benefit availability, and benefits. The report also provides some summary statistics, comparisons between the programs (see Table 2), and brief discussions of related programs. Individuals currently participate in five GI Bills enacted prior to 2008:

  • The most popular program prior to the Post-9/11 GI Bill was the Montgomery GI Bill-Active Duty (MGIB-AD), which provides a monthly allowance primarily to veterans and servicemembers who enter active duty after June 30, 1985. 
  • The Montgomery GI Bill-Selected Reserve (MGIB-SR) provides a lower monthly allowance than the MGIB-AD to reservists who enlist, re-enlist, or extend an enlistment after June 30, 1985. 
  • The Reserves Educational Assistance Program (REAP) provides a monthly allowance that is higher than the MGIB-SR but lower than the MGIB-AD to reservists with active duty service. 
  • The program with the fewest individuals receiving benefits is the Post-Vietnam Era Veterans’ Educational Assistance Program (VEAP), which provides a monthly allowance to veterans who first entered active duty service on or after January 1, 1977, and before July 1, 1985. 
  • The dependents of individuals with military service may be eligible for the Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance (DEA) program, which provides benefits to the spouse and children of servicemembers who, as a result of service, are seriously disabled, die, or are detained. 

Other educational support is available to veterans using these benefits. Participants may also request academic and vocational counseling before and while using their GI Bill benefits. Participants on a growing number of pilot campuses have access to the VetSuccess on Campus program, which provides on campus counseling and referral services. In addition to counseling support, some participants may participate in the Veterans Work Study Program to receive additional financial assistance in exchange for work while attending school.

Date of Report: October 22, 2012
Number of Pages: 54
Order Number: R42785
Price: $29.95

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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008 (Post-9/11 GI Bill): Primer and Issues

Cassandria Dortch
Analyst in Education Policy

The Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008 (Post-9/11 GI Bill)—enacted as Title V of the Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2008 (P.L. 110-252) on June 30, 2008—is the newest GI Bill and went into effect on August 1, 2009. There were four main drivers for the Post-9/11 GI Bill: (1) providing parity of benefits for reservists and members of the regular Armed Forces, (2) ensuring comprehensive educational benefits, (3) meeting military recruiting goals, and (4) improving military retention through transferability of benefits. By FY2010, the program had the largest numbers of participants and the highest total obligations compared to the other GI Bills.

The Post-9/11 GI Bill provides benefits to veterans and servicemembers who serve on active duty after September 10, 2001. Participants may be eligible for payments to cover tuition and fees, housing, books and supplies, tutorial and relocation assistance, and testing and certification fees. Individuals who serve on active duty for 36 months after September 10, 2001, may receive a tuition and fees benefit of up to the amount of in-state tuition and fees charged when enrolled in public institutions of higher learning, or up to $18,077.50 when enrolled in private institutions of higher learning in academic year 2012-2013. Benefit payments vary depending on the participant’s active duty status, length of qualifying active duty, rate of pursuit, and program of education.

There are two mechanisms by which dependents of individuals with military service may be eligible for Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits. Transferred Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits may be available to the dependents of servicemembers who stay in the military for at least 10 years. Also, the Post- 9/11 GI Bill Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship Program may be available to the children of servicemembers who die while serving on active duty in the line of duty.

The Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Improvements Act of 2010 (P.L. 111-377) made several amendments to eligibility and benefits under the Post-9/11 GI Bill. The Restoring GI Bill Fairness Act of 2011 (P.L. 112-26) temporarily reversed a P.L. 111-377 amendment to the tuition and fees benefit for some individuals. The Honoring America’s Veterans and Caring for Camp Lejeune Families Act of 2012 (P.L. 112-154) requires the Department of Defense (DOD) and Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to provide annual reports to Congress on the Post-9/11 GI Bill and the Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance program (DEA).

Congress, administrators, and participants have raised several issues recently. In light of the amount of federal funds devoted to these benefits, an average of $13,871 per participant and a total of $7.7 billion in FY2011, some concerns have been raised regarding the quality of the programs of education and the deceptive recruiting techniques of some institutions serving Post- 9/11 GI Bill participants. The President issued Executive Order 13607, Establishing Principles of Excellence for Educational Institutions Serving Service Members, Veterans, Spouses, and Other Family Members, on April 27, 2012, to provide information, support, and protections to servicemembers, veterans, and their family members who use federal military and veterans educational assistance benefits. Issues have also been raised regarding benefit overpayments, benefit levels, transferability, and benefit uses.

This report provides a description of the eligibility requirements, benefit availability, benefit payments, participation, and obligations of the Post-9/11 GI Bill. The report also describes a few issues that may be addressed by Congress.

Date of Report: September 21, 2012
Number of Pages: 34
Order Number: R42755
Price: $29.95

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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008 (Post-9/11 GI Bill): Primer and Issues

Cassandria Dortch
Analyst in Education Policy

The Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008 (Post-9/11 GI Bill)—enacted as Title V of the Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2008 (P.L. 110-252) on June 30, 2008—is the newest GI Bill and went into effect on August 1, 2009. There were four main drivers for the Post-9/11 GI Bill: (1) providing parity of benefits for reservists and members of the regular Armed Forces, (2) ensuring comprehensive educational benefits, (3) meeting military recruiting goals, and (4) improving military retention through transferability of benefits. By FY2010, the program had the largest numbers of participants and the highest total obligations compared to the other GI Bills.

The Post-9/11 GI Bill provides benefits to veterans and servicemembers who serve on active duty after September 10, 2001. Participants may be eligible for payments to cover tuition and fees, housing, books and supplies, tutorial and relocation assistance, and testing and certification fees. Individuals who serve on active duty for 36 months after September 10, 2001, may receive a tuition and fees benefit of up to the amount of in-state tuition and fees charged when enrolled in public institutions of higher learning, or up to $18,077.50 when enrolled in private institutions of higher learning in academic year 2012-2013. Benefit payments vary depending on the participant’s active duty status, length of qualifying active duty, rate of pursuit, and program of education.

There are two mechanisms by which dependents of individuals with military service may be eligible for Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits. Transferred Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits may be available to the dependents of servicemembers who stay in the military for at least 10 years. Also, the Post- 9/11 GI Bill Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship Program may be available to the children of servicemembers who die while serving on active duty in the line of duty.

The Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Improvements Act of 2010 (P.L. 111-377) made several amendments to eligibility and benefits under the Post-9/11 GI Bill. The Restoring GI Bill Fairness Act of 2011 (P.L. 112-26) temporarily reversed a P.L. 111-377 amendment to the tuition and fees benefit for some individuals. The Honoring America’s Veterans and Caring for Camp Lejeune Families Act of 2012 (P.L. 112-154) requires the Department of Defense (DOD) and Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to provide annual reports to Congress on the Post-9/11 GI Bill and the Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance program (DEA).

Congress, administrators, and participants have raised several issues recently. In light of the amount of federal funds devoted to these benefits, an average of $13,871 per participant and a total of $7.7 billion in FY2011, some concerns have been raised regarding the quality of the programs of education and the deceptive recruiting techniques of some institutions serving Post- 9/11 GI Bill participants. The President issued Executive Order 13607, Establishing Principles of Excellence for Educational Institutions Serving Service Members, Veterans, Spouses, and Other Family Members, on April 27, 2012, to provide information, support, and protections to servicemembers, veterans, and their family members who use federal military and veterans educational assistance benefits. Issues have also been raised regarding benefit overpayments, benefit levels, transferability, and benefit uses.

This report provides a description of the eligibility requirements, benefit availability, benefit payments, participation, and obligations of the Post-9/11 GI Bill. The report also describes a few issues that may be addressed by Congress.

Date of Report: September 21, 2012
Number of Pages: 34
Order Number: R42755
Price: $29.95

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Career and Technical Education (CTE): A Primer

Cassandria Dortch
Analyst in Education Policy

Career and Technical Education (CTE), often referred to as vocational education, provides occupational and non-occupational preparation at the secondary, postsecondary, and adult education levels. CTE is an element of the nation’s workforce development system. As such, CTE plays a role in reducing unemployment and the associated economic and social ills. This report provides a primer on CTE to support congressional discussion of initiatives designed to rationalize the workforce development system.

CTE prepares students for roles outside the paid labor market, teaches general employment skills, and teaches skills required in specific occupations or careers. In order to focus and structure programs, curricula, and resources, practitioners at the local, state, and federal levels often organize CTE into 16 career clusters and various career pathways for each career cluster. CTE career clusters include several occupational areas, such as health science and manufacturing. Career pathways generally refer to a series of connected education and training strategies and support services that enable individuals to secure industry-recognized credentials and obtain employment within an occupational area and to advance to higher levels of future education and employment in that area.

At the secondary level, CTE is offered in high schools, area CTE centers, community colleges, and detention centers. Nearly all 2009 public high school graduates (88%) earned at least one CTE credit, and 19% earned at least three CTE credits in a single occupational area. Four issues confound the offering of CTE at the secondary level. The first is whether CTE courses should be offered to (1) broaden the students’ education and provide early exposure to several career options or (2) ensure students are prepared to enter the workforce immediately with an industryrecognized credential after completion of a career pathway in high school or after one to two additional years of postsecondary education or training. The second issue is the expense of maintaining and updating the instructional resources and equipment for a single career cluster or pathway, particularly at the secondary level. The third issue is whether CTE adds value to a college preparatory high school curriculum. For example, U.S. Department of Education statistics of 2004 public high school graduates demonstrated no significant difference in average wages between all graduates working for pay but not enrolled in postsecondary education and CTE graduates working for pay but not enrolled in postsecondary education. However, of the CTE graduates working for pay but not enrolled in postsecondary education, only 30% were in an occupation related to their high school CTE concentration. The final issue is related to state adoption in recent years of the common core standards that are termed college- and career-ready standards, although the standards do not define career-ready and thus may not provide immediate career preparation.

At the postsecondary level, CTE is offered by community colleges, vocational schools, and employers through apprenticeships and on-the-job training. Some CTE programs are terminal (few courses are transferable for credit toward a more advanced credential), while others may lead to stackable credentials (a sequence of credentials leading to more advanced qualifications). The ability or inability to transfer CTE credits toward a credential with higher earning potential or a bachelor’s degree highlights one conflict among policymakers. The difficulty in structuring every postsecondary CTE program to include the first one to two years of general bachelor’s degree requirements is that the CTE program will likely require more time to accomplish and may be of less interest to the CTE student.

CTE for adults is work-related course-taking that may incorporate adult basic education (ABE). At the adult level, CTE is offered by secondary and postsecondary CTE providers, employers, and community and government organizations. The rates at which adults engage in work-related course-taking increases with age, labor market engagement, and education.

Date of Report: September 20, 2012
Number of Pages: 21
Order Number: R42748
Price: $29.95

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