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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Financial Aid for Students: Print and Web Guides

Laura L. Monagle
Information Research Specialist

This report includes a list of books and Internet sources that may help Members of Congress and staff locate student financial aid information for prospective, current, or graduating college and university students. Students themselves are often in the best position to determine which aid programs they may qualify for and which best meet their needs. This list includes both general and comprehensive works, as well as ones targeted toward specific types of aid and circumstances (e.g., non-need-based scholarships; female and minority students; students studying abroad; or veterans, military personnel, and their dependents). When possible, the summer release dates for 2012 publications are included as a tool for those doing early planning.

Many of the websites (i.e., College Board, FastWeb, Peterson’s) listed in this report enable a student to conduct and save general and individualized scholarship, grant, and loan searches on a variety of issues, including intended area of study. Some of these listed resources also contain information on repaying, forgiving, decreasing, or discharging incurred educational financial debt through a variety of options, such as employment in certain professions or localities. Many of these listed resources may also be found through social networking websites (e.g., Facebook and Twitter) or through other electronic downloadable formats; some of the publishers may initially release their most current editions via these formats. The works cited should be considered as samples of the types of guides available in a variety of hard copy and electronic formats through libraries, high school guidance offices, college financial aid offices, and the Web. Individual publishing services may be consulted for additional publications. Many public libraries provide access to the Internet for public use.

Date of Report: June 24, 2011
Number of Pages: 23
Order Number: RL33451
Price: $29.95

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