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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA): A Legal Overview

Jody Feder
Legislative Attorney

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 guarantees parental access to student education records, while limiting the disclosure of those records to third parties. The act, sometimes referred to as the Buckley Amendment, was designed to address parents’ growing concerns over privacy and the belief that parents should have the right to learn about the information schools were using to make decisions concerning their children. Although no substantial changes have been made to FERPA since 2001, recent amendments to the Higher Education Act require an institution of higher education to disclose to an alleged victim of any crime of violence or a nonforcible sex offense the results of any disciplinary proceeding conducted by the institution against a student who is the alleged perpetrator of such a crime or offense. The amendments also seek to clarify rules regarding disclosure of student information in the event of a health or safety emergency.

Date of Report: December 15, 2010
Number of Pages: 9
Order Number: RS22341
Price: $19.95

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